Millions affected in federal cyber security breach

Source: KPNX

Millions affected in federal cyber security breach

As a cyber-security expert and CEO of Lazarus Alliance, Michael Peters’ job is to find gaps in his client’s security and close them off.

It looks as though Uncle Sam could have used his help. “This is extremely valuable reconnaissance information,” said Peters.

Chinese hackers are suspected in the massive data cyber security breach affecting four million former and current federal employees.

In Arizona alone, there are 88,000 workers.

Names, birth dates and social security numbers are all part of the compromised personal information. “Identity theft, that will be part of the package. That will get sold off in darknets,” Peters said.

The real goal many people believe is to use confidential information and clearances to get inside the government.

Senator Ron Wyden, an Intelligence Committee member had this to say, “I continue to feel it is very important that we ramp up our efforts to go after foreign hackers and foreign threats.”

Still, what stuck out to several politicians and cyber experts, including Peters, was the federal government’s lack of cyber protection.

“No encryption, no multi-factor authentication,” said Peters. When asked if he was shocked by the lack of security tools he said, “At this state absolutely.”

Peters says both are common tools used to add extra layers of authentication and security.

He believes had they been in place, the breach could have been protected altogether.

“These are fundamental, you cannot go without, so why we’re talking about this still in the federal space, that’s a real problem.”

Several federal employees told 12 News, while they’re concerned about their information, they’re waiting to hear more from the government.

They all plan to keep an eye on their accounts and credit reports.


TakeDownCon 2015 Keynote Address

TakeDownCon 2015 Keynote Address

The New Social Security: When Social Media Meets Social Engineering.

TakedownCon 2015

The convergence is upon us all; this influx of technology intermingled with information infused now in every possible facet of our business and personal lives. We live in the presence of infinite possibilities through technology. Business is being propelled into new trajectories never before possible. Out social spheres and human interpersonal interactions have all been augmented by the ever accelerating technological reality. While our brave new media world is evolving and pushing forward, there is a common denominator that is struggling to keep up. The singular chink in our armor; the weak link in our proverbial chain is much to our collective chagrin is the Human Element.

This reality is not slowing down. On the contrary, it’s moving exponentially faster. Our challenge as business leaders and individuals; as humans in general, is to intelligently manage this paradigm shift as our technological singularity enters its event horizon.

Here at TakedownCon, together we will explore a particular facet of our technological present, specifically our social sphere, and how as technology leaders we can work toward intelligent management. Our business success and our personal preservation depend on it.

We are honored that our CEO Michael Peters was invited to EC Counsel’s TakeDownCon as keynote speaker for the 2015 event. This year’s theme is “Building the Cyber Briefcase: From Binary to the Boardroom”. Discussions will cover the various tools, skills, and experience a CISO needs to build and run a successful information security program.

TakeDownCon brings together information security researchers and technical experts from corporate to underground industries, to a unique “Ethical Hacking” conference. In two days, they will present and debate the latest security threats, disclose current vulnerabilities, and share information crucial to the technical profession.

Say hello to Michael Peters, William Ochs and Jessica Parra-Johnson from Lazarus Alliance if you are attending!

Lazarus Alliance Inc Receives 2015 Best of Chandler Award

Lazarus Alliance Inc Receives 2015 Best of Chandler Award

Chandler Award Program Honors the Achievement

CHANDLER May 14, 2015 — Lazarus Alliance Inc has been selected for the 2015 Best of Chandler Award in the Computer Related Services category by the Chandler Award Program.

Lazarus Alliance Inc Receives 2015 Best of Chandler Award

Each year, the Chandler Award Program identifies companies that we believe have achieved exceptional marketing success in their local community and business category. These are local companies that enhance the positive image of small business through service to their customers and our community. These exceptional companies help make the Chandler area a great place to live, work and play.

Various sources of information were gathered and analyzed to choose the winners in each category. The 2015 Chandler Award Program focuses on quality, not quantity. Winners are determined based on the information gathered both internally by the Chandler Award Program and data provided by third parties.

About Chandler Award Program

The Chandler Award Program is an annual awards program honoring the achievements and accomplishments of local businesses throughout the Chandler area. Recognition is given to those companies that have shown the ability to use their best practices and implemented programs to generate competitive advantages and long-term value.

The Chandler Award Program was established to recognize the best of local businesses in our community. Our organization works exclusively with local business owners, trade groups, professional associations and other business advertising and marketing groups. Our mission is to recognize the small business community’s contributions to the U.S. economy.

SOURCE: Chandler Award Program