NVLAP Accreditation for Cybersecurity Labs

NVLAP featured

We’ve previously written about the importance of NVLAP Common Criteria accreditation for lab testing and validating products for use in high-risk industries. It’s probably unsurprising that we are markedly interested in cybersecurity labs’ requirements. 

Here, we’re discussing NVLAP Common Criteria accreditation for cybersecurity labs–what it is, how it is unique for assessed labs, and some challenges you might face. 


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Understanding NVLAP Common Criteria Testing

Hand in server room holding laptop

Government agencies (and their vendors and partners) are increasingly entrusted with sensitive data. Accordingly, protecting critical infrastructure and cybersecurity are both top priorities. The tools they use must come from time-tested and verified protocols to ensure they are secure and not tampered with. In turn, this means that these tools must come from labs that follow the strictest of requirements. 

NVLAP Common Criteria certification serves as a valuable tool for governments to evaluate the security capabilities of IT products and systems before procurement.


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Controlled Unclassified Information: A Basic Introduction to CUI

Blue digital padlock

We’ve written extensively about CMMC and NIST Special Publication 800-171, which cover the handling and protection of Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI). But what is CUI? How is it created, and why is it so important to protect?

Here, we’re digging into CUI and why it’s integral to significant cybersecurity frameworks in the federal marketplace. 


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