NIST Issues Guidance for Medical IoT Device Security

NIST Issues Guidance for Medical IoT Device Security

As the popularity of medical IoT devices grows, so do security vulnerabilities.

There are more connected devices than there are humans on Earth. Organizations have been as quick to embrace the Internet of Things as consumers have, and the healthcare industry is no exception. Medical IoT devices have exploded in popularity and grown in complexity. Smart medical devices allow physicians to make more accurate diagnoses and better monitor their patients, leading to better quality of care. However, the proliferation of medical IoT has given hackers a much broader attack surface on which to target healthcare organizations.

The IoT industry, including the medical IoT market, is still a Wild West, with few regulations and no common set of security standards. Recognizing the dangers posed to healthcare facilities, providers, and patients, the National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (NCCoE) at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) used a questionnaire-based risk assessment to analyze the cyber security risk factors of smart infusion pumps. Using these results, the NCCoE developed an example implementation that demonstrates how healthcare organizations can use standards-based, commercially available cyber security technologies to better secure infusion pumps. NIST has released these guidelines as SP 1800-8, “Securing Wireless Infusion Pumps.”

While SP 1800-8 specifically addresses infusion pumps, the guidelines can be applied to the entire medical IoT ecosystem, which NIST calls the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT).

What Are the Risks?

Computerized medical devices have been around for some time, but they were standalone machines that did not connect to the internet; only physicians could access them. Today’s smart medical devices not only connect to the internet; they are also networked with a multitude of other smart devices and networks, including systems for non-clinical applications such as billing. While all of this connectivity improves healthcare delivery, it also poses serious cyber security risks, not just to the patient but the entire healthcare enterprise. Among other things, malicious actors can access medical IoT devices to:

  • Alter the operation of the device itself, including tampering with medication dosages or other settings.
  • Launch ransomware attacks on medical IoT devices; for example, a hacker can begin draining an implanted device’s battery and demand that the patient or the provider pay a ransom to make them stop.
  • Access electronic health records (EHR), billing systems, or other mission-critical enterprise systems (such as scheduling or inventory management) and steal or alter data, or lock down the entire system with ransomware.

In addition to putting patients’ health and lives at risk, cyber attacks on smart medical devices can expose healthcare organizations to HIPAA violations, civil lawsuits, and irrevocable damage to their reputations.

Using NIST SP 1800-8

NIST SP 1800-8 is modular; it can be used in whole or in part. It is assumed that readers already have cyber security protocols in place and will use the guide to assess vulnerabilities specific to their medical IoT device ecosystems. The guide aims to help healthcare organizations protect both their medical IoT devices and the rest of their enterprise network. It identifies the threats, vulnerabilities, and risks inherent to wireless infusion pumps (which mirror the issues with other smart medical devices), including:

  • Targeted attacks
  • Malware infections
  • Physical theft of the devices themselves
  • User or administrator accounts vulnerabilities
  • IT network infrastructure vulnerabilities
  • Improper third-party vendor connections
  • Vulnerabilities in systems or devices that are connected to the smart medical device

The guide maps security characteristics to standards and best practices from NIST and other standards organizations, including NIST RMF and NIST 800-53, as well as the HIPAA Security Rule. A cyber security firm that is experienced with both NIST and HIPAA, such as Lazarus Alliance, can help your organization get the most of NIST SP 1800-8.

The cyber security experts at Lazarus Alliance have deep knowledge of the cyber security field, are continually monitoring the latest information security threats, and are committed to protecting organizations of all sizes from security breaches. Our full-service risk assessment services and Continuum GRC RegTech software will help protect your organization from data breaches, ransomware attacks, and other cyber threats.

Lazarus Alliance is proactive cyber security®. Call 1-888-896-7580 to discuss your organization’s cyber security needs and find out how we can help your organization adhere to cyber security regulations, maintain compliance, and secure your systems.

Cyber Security Best Practices for a Sustainable Digital Transformation

Cyber Security Best Practices for a Sustainable Digital Transformation

Cyber security is key to a sustainable, future-proof digital transformation

The rise of ecommerce, particularly mobile ecommerce, has fundamentally altered both consumer and business buying habits. Organizations are embracing digital transformation in an effort to appease modern buyers and enhance the customer experience while cutting costs and improving efficiency. The 2018 State of Digital Business Transformation survey by IDG found that 89% of organizations have either adopted or plan to adopt a digital-first strategy.

While cutting-edge technologies such as the IoT and IIoT, cloud computing and multi-cloud networks, and low-code platforms provide great benefits to organizations and their customers, they also gift cyber criminals a much larger attack surface. Today’s hackers are more skilled, educated, and well-funded than ever, and the attacks they launch are highly organized, complex and, if successful, destructive. In a survey of IT business leaders by Frost & Sullivan, respondents listed cyber security as their top challenge to navigating digital transformation.

Despite these concerns, too many organizations still view cyber security as an afterthought at best, a stumbling block to innovation at worst. Security can get pushed to the wayside in the rush to implement the day’s newest, shiniest technologies. However, digital transformation isn’t supposed to focus on what’s hip and trendy now; the goal is to ensure that your organization is prepared not just for today’s trends but tomorrow’s opportunities through implementing sustainable, future-proof solutions, and cyber security plays a critical role in this process. Here are a few best practices for integrating cyber security into your digital transformation plans.

Integrate Cyber Security from the Beginning

Digital transformation involves implementing new technology and finding new uses for existing technology. However, application security is often addressed very late in the software development lifecycle (SDLC). Three-quarters of security and IT professionals surveyed by Dimensional Research felt that security was addressed “too late in the [development] process, and [applications] must be retrofitted after key decisions have been made.”

Attempting to secure an application late in the SDLC makes the entire process more complex, resulting in delays, budget overruns, or possibly even a failed project. Cyber security should be baked into the SDLC of every digital transformation initiative from the beginning so that potential risks can be identified and addressed early on, and applications can be patched as new cyber threats emerge post-deployment.

Involve Your Security Team in All Important Decisions

Often, cyber security personnel are not included in marketing or business meetings, even though critical decisions are made that impact the technical aspects of the digital transformation initiative. Worse, the security team may not be included in IT meetings or involved in the project at all; only 18% of respondents to the Dimensional Research study reported cyber security personnel being involved in all digital transformation initiatives.

If security personnel are not present to provide input at critical junctures of the project, the end result could be an application that is riddled with security holes. Instead of having security experts swoop in only after an attack has occurred, organizations should take a proactive approach, involve their security teams in all project meetings and decisions, and prevent attacks from happening in the first place.

Don’t Forget the Human Factor

The weakest link in any organization’s cyber security is its own people. Often, organizations lean too heavily on technology to defend against cyber attacks, train only their IT staff on cyber security best practices, or both. Every employee who touches a computer must be trained on cyber security best practices, and the organization must adopt a security-first culture on all levels, from the C-suite down to the reception desk. The human factor is also another reason to involve security at all junctures of a digital transformation initiative; one aspect of secure development is to design applications in such a way as to limit the ability of human error or malicious acts to open up the system to cyber attacks.

Integrating proactive cyber security into digital transformation efforts from the very beginning and creating a security-first culture on all levels of the organization doesn’t just protect against hacks; it also ensures that digital transformation efforts are sustainable and future-proof.

The cyber security experts at Lazarus Alliance have deep knowledge of the cyber security field, are continually monitoring the latest information security threats, and are committed to protecting organizations of all sizes from security breaches. Our full-service risk assessment services and Continuum GRC RegTech software will help protect your organization from data breaches, ransomware attacks, and other cyber threats.

Lazarus Alliance is proactive cyber security®. Call 1-888-896-7580 to discuss your organization’s cyber security needs and find out how we can help your organization adhere to cyber security regulations, maintain compliance, and secure your systems.

Many U.S. Companies Unaware that the EU GDPR Applies to Them

Many U.S. Companies Unaware that the EU GDPR Applies to Them

Yes, U.S. companies must worry about EU GDPR compliance, too. Is your company ready?

With just over three weeks to go until the May 25, 2018, deadline, many U.S. companies are woefully unprepared for the EU’s new General Data Protection Regulation, or GDPR. In fact, quite a few of them don’t yet realize they have to achieve EU GDPR compliance. A new survey by CompTIA found that “A full 52 percent of 400 U.S. companies surveyed are either still exploring the applicability of GDPR to their business; have determined that GDPR is not a requirement for their business; or are unsure.”

Many U.S. Companies Unaware that the EU GDPR Applies to Them

Additional findings from the CompTIA study include:

  • Only 13% of U.S. companies surveyed reported having achieved full EU GDPR compliance, with 23% “mostly compliant” and 12% “somewhat compliant.”
  • Only 25% of U.S. companies surveyed reported being “very” familiar with the EU GDPR.
  • Only 22% of U.S. companies surveyed have developed a GDPR compliance plan, and only 21% have conducted data audits and readiness assessments
  • Nearly one-third of U.S. companies surveyed mistakenly believe that the deadline for GDPR compliance is the end of 2018.
  • 64% of U.S. companies surveyed are unaware of the [very stiff] penalties for not complying with the GDPR.

Respondents to the CompTIA survey listed accountability and allowing users to correct inaccuracies; data transparency and the rights of users to access their data; user consent; data portability; and the “right to be forgotten” as the most challenging aspects of EU GDPR compliance.

U.S. Companies and EU GDPR Compliance

The applicability of the GDPR to your business is not based on where your company is located, but on where your customers are located. If you conduct business with any individuals or organizations in the European Union, you must comply with the GDPR. Further, in addition to customer data; it also governs employee and human resources data.

How serious is the EU about enforcing GDPR compliance among U.S. companies? Last week, EU authorities flatly rejected a request from U.S.-based ICANN, which is in charge of the WHOIS “internet phonebook,” for more time to make WHOIS GDPR-compliant. Yes, that ICANN, and that WHOIS. This was not foisted on ICANN at the last moment; the organization had a two-year lead time to come up with a solution but dragged its feet. Because of the ICANN GDPR debacle, cyber security experts, law enforcement agencies, and IP attorneys fear that the WHOIS directory will become fragmented or go dark on May 25.

What Does the EU GDPR Mean for U.S. Companies?

The EU GDPR is arguably the most comprehensive, far-reaching data privacy law ever enacted. Among other things:

  • It will require impacted companies to fundamentally alter their data governance and bake data security into their products, policies, procedures, and systems from day one.
  • It will hold your organization responsible if one of your third-party vendors is breached.
  • It grants EU “data subjects” sweeping data privacy rights, including data portability, the right to access their data, the right to withdraw consent, and the “right to be forgotten.”
  • It mandates that organizations notify the authorities and affected customers within 72 hours of detecting a breach.

Much like HIPAA, the EU GDPR specifies what organizations must achieve, but it does not prescribe the specific technical controls to get there.

Is your organization ready for the GDPR compliance deadline on May 25? Lazarus Alliance has a free GDPR readiness tool. Click here to take your GDPR readiness assessment and download your free report today!

The cyber security experts at Lazarus Alliance have deep knowledge of the cyber security field, are continually monitoring the latest information security threats, and are committed to protecting organizations of all sizes from security breaches. Our full-service risk assessment services and Continuum GRC RegTech software will help protect your organization from data breaches, ransomware attacks, and other cyber threats.

Lazarus Alliance is proactive cyber security®. Call 1-888-896-7580 to discuss your organization’s cyber security needs and find out how we can help your organization adhere to cyber security regulations, maintain compliance, and secure your systems.