GDPR, Privacy, and OpenAI

AI and GDPR featured

Generative AI is in the news, as usual. However, one of the big pushes we’re seeing lately is how the practices used by AI providers like OpenAI may violate user privacy. 

This, of course, is a big no-no for jurisdictions like the EU. 

Here, we’re dipping into the world of AI to talk about the latest complaint against OpenAI and how this speaks to privacy and GDPR compliance issues. 


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Understanding GDPR in the Financial Sector

GDPR financial institutions featured

When considering security and finance, we typically consider regulations like PCI DSS, SOX, or FINRA. But if you’re a company doing business in Europe, there’s another framework you need to consider–GDPR. This set of regulations not only governs the exchange of consumer data but also has a massive impact on how financial organizations navigate commerce in the EU and across borders. 

Here, we’ll cover some basics financial institutions might want to consider when adopting GDPR requirements. 


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The California Delete Act and CCPA Privacy Law

CCPA data delete act featured

Companies and data brokers, armed with sophisticated data collection techniques, amass vast amounts of personal data, often without the explicit consent or awareness of the individuals concerned. The urgency of the matter has propelled jurisdictions worldwide to enact stringent data protection laws. 

This article explores a new development in privacy law: the Data Delete Act. This law is just one in a longer (but recent) history of laws that include the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA).

Here, we’ll discuss the law, its relationship to more extensive privacy regulations, and what best practices affected organizations can take to comply with it. 


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