What is Wardriving?

What is wardriving?

Wireless networks and always-on connectivity are a blessing and a curse. On the one hand, these technologies give us access to more knowledge and entertainment than ever before. We can work wherever we want, stream video and music wherever we want and have the full Internet experience at the tips of our fingers. 

On the other, however, we have a constant vulnerability to potential attacks. Fraudsters and hackers are consistently working to find new ways to break into devices, steal data and make a profit. One of these ways is a process called “wardriving”, which uses the reality of Wi-Fi hotspots to facilitate attacks. 

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Career opportunities with the Lazarus Alliance team!

Career opportunities with the Lazarus Alliance team!

Lazarus Alliance employees build their career opportunities immersed in proactive and progressive services and technology. We like to surround ourselves with the best and brightest in the business. If you are talented, well credentialed and have a strong desire to adhere to the highest standards, we want to talk to you.

Lazarus Alliance’s primary purpose is to help organizations attain, maintain, and demonstrate compliance and information security excellence – in any jurisdiction. Lazarus Alliance specializes in IT security, risk, privacy, governance, cyberspace law and compliance leadership solutions and is fully dedicated to global success in these disciplines.

Interested in great career opportunities?

Our career opportunities focus for you is clear, and our mission is simple; to deliver to our clients exceptional results produced by exceptional employees who strive to make a difference locally, nationally, and globally.

Still interested?

We do set high standards. Do you have expertise in the following areas:

  • Cyberspace Security
  • Physical Security
  • Risk Management
  • Governance
  • Regulatory Compliance
  • Industry Regulations
  • Cyberspace Law
  • Forensic Investigations
  • Strategic Planning
  • Technology Transformation
  • Human Capital Assessments
  • Examinations

Trusted but verified

We verify the career opportunities skills you bring to the table before you meet our clients. Our client relationships take first priority, and we want you to succeed. Count on having your existing credentials tested before you join the Lazarus Alliance team.

We are also staunch advocates for continuing education to promote your career opportunities success vectors. If we don't remain on the leading edge, someone else will, and they may very well be cyber criminals. It is imperative that our employees take an active role in continuing education, training and skill enhancing career opportunities.

Lazarus Alliance will support this pursuit of excellence. We lead by example so get familiar with the Lazarus Alliance leadership team to get a better idea of what we expect and why we make a great career choice for top subject-matter experts.

If you are seeking opportunities with Continuum GRC, please go to https://continuumgrc.com/ instead.
Our clients depend on our team being well credentialed. Please include the registration number for your certification to be considered.

Are Man-in-the-Middle Attacks Still a Threat?

man-in-the-middle featured

Man-in-the-Middle attacks, where a malicious actor secretly intercepts and possibly alters the communication between two unsuspecting parties, have significantly escalated with digital connectivity and remote work surge. While the attack method is not new, its implications have grown in magnitude in the era of widespread digital transformation.

Modern businesses, from multinational corporations to small and medium enterprises, are constantly targeted by MitM attacks, often needing their knowledge. Consequently, vital data is compromised, financial losses are incurred, and trust is eroded. These scenarios underscore the urgency for organizations to understand and take preventative measures against MitM attacks.

This article discusses MitM attacks, how they operate, and why they’ve become a critical concern for contemporary businesses. We will also explore various preventive strategies organizations can deploy to safeguard against these invisible yet potent threats.


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