What is NIST Special Publication 800-53 Compliance?

nist 800-53 security standards featured

It makes sense that some of the more powerful and rigorous security regulations are in the federal government. As federal agencies turn to third-party IT vendors to fulfill their missions, the demand for transparent, translatable and effective security regulations is only increasing. That’s why NIST 800-53, now on its fifth revision, is so important for agencies and contractors alike. 

Here, learn more about NIST 800-53, why it is so important to government (and, increasingly, private sector) IT security and why it benefits you to consider adopting its standards. 


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What is Data Governance and Why Is it Important? 

data governance policies featured

Data is such a rich and complex part of our modern society that several disciplines have risen around its management. Most enterprise businesses have data governance policies in place to support their business, security and compliance objectives, and these policies are evolving at a rapid rate. 

Here, we want to introduce the concept of a data governance policy and why it is important for your business. It doesn’t matter if you are a small vendor or a multi-site enterprise; having data governance policies in place is a necessary part of doing business. 

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What is FINRA Compliance?

FINRA Compliance featured

The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) is an independent regulatory body monitored by the SEC to manage and protect the financial industry against breaches in regulations that could lead to corruption, fraud or theft. All told, FINRA monitors up to 4,200 brokerage firms up to 75 billion transactions each day. 

As part of that mission, FINRA develops and implements a set of compliance requirements that protect financial transactions against theft. This includes several layers of financial best practices as well as cybersecurity measures that protect communications, transactions and data every single day. 

Here, we’ll cover the basics of FINRA compliance and what it could mean for your business. 


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