What is the Difference Between SOC Reports?

SOC 1, SOC 2 and SOC 3 SOC Audit and Assessments; we are ready when you are! Call +1 (888) 896-7580 today.

System and Organization Controls Audits and reporting are fundamental activities in our IT-driven business environments. An independent framework, SOC report variations (SOC 1, 2 and 3) provide your business with ways to assess your security and provide proof to potential clients and partners that you are implementing effective security and privacy controls to protect their data. 

Here, we’ll cover some of the basics of SOC audits, including the differences between SOC 1, 2 and 3 reports. 


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The Top Cloud Security Threats in 2021

Cloud Security

As more businesses, agencies and consumers turn to online services for everything from shopping to data intelligence and even disaster response, the threats from outside attackers have been increasing exponentially year after year. Cloud providers are expanding their offerings to cover several partners across several industries, and as such, they prove to be juicy targets for hackers who want to undermine their cybersecurity efforts and steal data through sophisticated cloud security threats. 

Here, we’re covering the top 5 security threats that a cloud provider may face in 2021. While we’re only halfway through the year, it’s already turning out to be one of the most significant years on record in terms of data loss and theft. It’s up to Cloud Service Providers (CSPs) to understand modern threats and prepare for them with tight cybersecurity controls and compliance strategies.


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Why Is Penetration Testing Important for Compliance?

Why is Penetration Testing Important?

When we think of hacking, we think of foreign agents or thieves undermining cybersecurity. But ethical hackers have served an important role in uncovering security vulnerabilities before they are exploited by malicious parties. The practice of penetration testing is one of the most tried-and-true forms of security testing available, and one that many cybersecurity regulations require for compliance. 

Here we provide an introduction to penetration testing and its role in compliance. The fact is that most security frameworks either require or suggest some form of penetration testing… and for good reason. 

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