The New FedRAMP Marketplace

FedRAMP Marketplace featured

On February 20th, the FedRAMP PMO announced the release of the newest design for the FedRAMP Marketplace. While this news doesn’t necessarily shake the foundations of government compliance, the Marketplace it is an essential resource for agencies looking for a trustworthy source of information regarding cloud providers.

In this article, we’ll break down what kind of information you can find in the new Marketplace and highlight why this resource is so vital for the health and performance of the program.


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Are Man-in-the-Middle Attacks Still a Threat?

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Man-in-the-Middle attacks, where a malicious actor secretly intercepts and possibly alters the communication between two unsuspecting parties, have significantly escalated with digital connectivity and remote work surge. While the attack method is not new, its implications have grown in magnitude in the era of widespread digital transformation.

Modern businesses, from multinational corporations to small and medium enterprises, are constantly targeted by MitM attacks, often needing their knowledge. Consequently, vital data is compromised, financial losses are incurred, and trust is eroded. These scenarios underscore the urgency for organizations to understand and take preventative measures against MitM attacks.

This article discusses MitM attacks, how they operate, and why they’ve become a critical concern for contemporary businesses. We will also explore various preventive strategies organizations can deploy to safeguard against these invisible yet potent threats.


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Common Criteria and NIST Evaluation

common criteria featured

The Common Criteria, recognized worldwide, provides a standardized framework for evaluating the security attributes of IT products and systems. From defining security requirements to testing and verifying products against these requirements, the Common Criteria assure that the evaluation process is rigorous, repeatable, and thorough.

To ensure the success of the program on a national basis, organizations in those locales will manage certified labs that can test for Common Criteria standards. One such organization and program in the United States is the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program, or NVLAP).

This article will discuss Common Criteria and how they are managed under NVLAP. 


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