Timeline for PCI DSS 4.0 Compliance – First Steps

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As we’ve been writing, PCI DSS 4.0 is upon us. We’ve discussed some of the broader changes around the newer versions, but we have yet to dig deeper into the timeline for version 4.0.

This article will discuss the preliminary steps you can take to prepare for the update. With a focus on understanding your IT infrastructure and the impact of the regulations on how you can use it, you can start to get your feet wet with the new standards and some of the curveballs they might throw at you. 


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How Are Small Businesses Addressing PCI DSS 4.0?

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PCI DSS 4.0 is public and rolling out. Fortunately for most organizations, adopting the new requirements isn’t an all-or-nothing proposition as of July 2022. However, it’s quickly becoming apparent that businesses large and small must address the new PCI standards sooner, rather than later. This presents a few challenges and opportunities for small businesses. 

Here we’ll discuss what’s coming down the pipeline for PCI DSS as it relates to small businesses that may handle consumer credit information. While the standard is the same no matter the business size, the impact of the new standards will hit differently for SMBs. 


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Is Blockchain Technology Viable for Security?

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Blockchain, blockchain, blockchain. It seems like you can’t throw a rock without hitting someone discussing the potential for blockchain technology. And, for the most part, this is driven by consumer interest in technologies and the potential for innovation in the web 3.0 world we live in. 

While the consumer market is having a so-so engagement with blockchains, it is finding more purchase in enterprise applications–albeit with a few changes and customizations to address limitations. 


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