What Is ISO 27017 and How Does it Inform Cloud Security?

ISO 27017 featured

As cloud computing continues gaining popularity, organizations increasingly turn to cloud services to store and process their data. However, with this increased reliance on cloud services comes a heightened risk of data breaches and cyber attacks, making cloud security a critical concern for businesses of all sizes.

To address these concerns, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has published a code of practice for information security controls for cloud services–ISO 27017. This standard provides guidelines and general principles for securing cloud-based systems and protecting against potential security threats.

This article will explore the critical components of ISO 27017 and their importance in securing cloud-based systems. We will also discuss some of the best practices for implementing ISO 27017 in your organization and the benefits that it can provide. Finally, we will examine some challenges organizations may face when implementing ISO 27017 and guide them on overcoming them.


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The Top Cloud Security Threats in 2021

Cloud Security

As more businesses, agencies and consumers turn to online services for everything from shopping to data intelligence and even disaster response, the threats from outside attackers have been increasing exponentially year after year. Cloud providers are expanding their offerings to cover several partners across several industries, and as such, they prove to be juicy targets for hackers who want to undermine their cybersecurity efforts and steal data through sophisticated cloud security threats. 

Here, we’re covering the top 5 security threats that a cloud provider may face in 2021. While we’re only halfway through the year, it’s already turning out to be one of the most significant years on record in terms of data loss and theft. It’s up to Cloud Service Providers (CSPs) to understand modern threats and prepare for them with tight cybersecurity controls and compliance strategies.


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Understanding Cloud Computing and Compliance

Understanding Cloud Computing

We talk a lot about the cloud, and yet it isn’t the most well-understood technical paradigm in business. Most of us are just comfortable or happy to say that “we are on the cloud” and let it go at that. But cloud computing is an immensely robust industry and understanding the differences in available services and products could help you navigate compliance, security and business operations more effectively and efficiently. 

Here we will break down some of the basics of cloud computing and infrastructure. 

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