MARS-E Focused Audit and Assessments; we are ready when you are!

If your organization is defined as an ACA Administering Entity (AE) under MARS-E, you are required to implement policies and procedures necessary to protect the security and privacy of information as mandated by the ACA.

MARS-E requires annual risk assessments for ongoing compliance. Leveraging the NIST risk assessment framework, we can help you identify new vulnerabilities, evaluate their potential impact, and develop a mitigation plan.

Lazarus Alliance Proactive Cyber Security® services minimize performance and operational risks with our industry-leading, innovative, and cost-effective MARS-E-focused services.

Just the facts ...

The Minimum Acceptable Risk Standards for Exchanges (MARS-E) is a set of privacy and security standards for Affordable Care Act (ACA) administering entities, as well as their contractors and sub-contractors. Developed by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), the standards are based on the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Special Publication 800-53. This framework establishes the security and privacy requirements required for compliance under MARS-E, ensuring the availability, confidentiality, and integrity of protected health information (PHI), personally identifiable information (PII), and federal tax information (FTI).

Lazarus Alliance specializes in the implementation and ongoing support of MARS-E programs that align with the requirements. We apply a risk-based, top-down approach that drives both efficiency and effectiveness into the programs.

After the assessment, Lazarus Alliance will issue an independent, third-party Security Assessment Report (SAR). This report will include a detailed explanation of your controls, as well as testing procedures and results. This report can be submitted to the CMS when applying for an Authorization to Operate (ATO); it can also be shared with key stakeholders as they work to evaluate your information security program. Lazarus Alliance will also provide an engagement affidavit that you can use for sales, marketing, and customer relations.

Find out more by calling +1 (888) 896-7580 today.

Download our company brochure.

Detailed Approach to the MARS-E Requirements

Lazarus Alliance’s dedicated IT and operational audit professionals have experience working with a wide variety of industries of all sizes. We partner with you to assist your company in complying with the MARS-E requirements.

Cybervisor™ Consultations

A significant differentiator you will immediately appreciate is our Proactive Cyber Security™ MARS-E compliance audit methodology, which takes a continuous audit approach rather than the end-of-reporting period Audit Anarchy approach by other firms.

Lazarus Alliance Cybervisors™ assist with the MARS-E documentation development, including the System Security Plan, Policies, Procedures, and more.

Start to Finish in Record Time

Our proven MARS-E assessment approach and technology dramatically improve the completion process. We average a huge 46% reduction in the traditional assessment time due to the dedicated Continuum GRC SaaS portal you have 24/7 access, allowing everyone to get out quickly.

Start working smarter, not harder, today ...

The MARS-E assessment professionals at Lazarus Alliance are completely committed to your and your company's MARS-E compliance success. We stand ready to partner with your organization.

Call us at +1 (888) 896-7580 and speak to a MARS-E Cybervisor™ today.

Download our company brochure.