FTC Safeguards Rule and FISMA Focused Audit and Assessments; we are ready when you are!

The FTC Safeguards Rule applies to financial institutions subject to the FTC’s jurisdiction and that aren’t subject to the enforcement authority of another regulator under section 505 of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, 15 U.S.C. § 6805. According to Section 314.1(b), an entity is a “financial institution” if it’s engaged in an activity that is financial in nature or is incidental to such financial activities as described in section 4(k) of the Bank Holding Company Act of 1956, 12 U.S.C § 1843(k).

Lazarus Alliance Proactive Cyber Security® services minimize performance and operational risks with our industry-leading, innovative, and cost-effective FTC Safeguards Rule-focused services.

Just the facts ...

As the name suggests, the purpose of the Federal Trade Commission’s Standards for Safeguarding Customer Information – the Safeguards Rule, for short – is to ensure that entities covered by the Rule maintain safeguards to protect the security of customer information. The Safeguards Rule took effect in 2003, but after public comment, the FTC amended it in 2021 to make sure the Rule keeps pace with current technology. While preserving the flexibility of the original Safeguards Rule, the revised Rule provides more concrete guidance for businesses. It reflects core data security principles that all covered companies need to implement.

Lazarus Alliance specializes in the implementation and ongoing support of FTC Safeguards Rule programs that align with the requirement. We apply a risk-based, top-down approach that drives both efficiency and effectiveness into the programs.

Find out more by calling +1 (888) 896-7580 today.

Download our company brochure.

Detailed Approach to the FTC Safeguards Rule

Lazarus Alliance’s dedicated IT and operational audit professionals have experience working with a wide variety of industries of all sizes. We partner with you to assist your company in complying with the FTC Safeguards Rule requirements.

Cybervisor™ Consultations

A significant differentiator you will immediately appreciate is our Proactive Cyber Security™ FTC Safeguards Rule compliance audit methodology, which takes a continuous audit approach rather than the end-of-reporting period Audit Anarchy approach by other firms.

Lazarus Alliance Cybervisors™ assist with the FTC Safeguards Rule documentation development, including the System Security Plan, Policies, Procedures, and more.

Start to Finish in Record Time

Our proven FTC Safeguards Rule assessment approach and technology dramatically improve the completion process. We average a huge 46% reduction in the traditional assessment time due to the dedicated Continuum GRC SaaS portal you have 24/7 access, allowing everyone to get out quickly.

Start working smarter, not harder, today ...

The FTC Safeguards Rule assessment professionals at Lazarus Alliance are completely committed to your and your company's FTC Safeguards Rule compliance success. We stand ready to partner with your organization.

Call us at +1 (888) 896-7580 and speak to an IFTC Safeguards Rule Cybervisor™ today.

Download our company brochure.