Post-Quantum Cryptography and the Quantum Computing Cybersecurity Preparedness Act

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Quantum computing has long been a theoretical idea with limited practical application. The only usable quantum computers were only available to cutting-edge researchers supported by massive corporations or government-funded universities. 

As time has passed, however, these researchers have begun to make massive strides in making quantum computing realizable in a way that could impact modern technology. While these developments have been met with significant excitement… but this excitement is somewhat muted. Instead, many security experts are worried that they will fundamentally undermine the foundation of cybersecurity–encryption. 

To address this potential threat, Congress and the President have passed the Quantum Computing Cybersecurity Readiness Act, which dictates that agencies must consider adopting post-quantum encryption to maintain compliance.


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What Is the Lifecycle of an Advanced Persistent Threat? 

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Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs) are some of the most dangerous and persistent cyberattacks that organizations face today. Understanding the APT lifecycle is crucial for organizations looking to protect their sensitive data and networks against these attacks. 

The APT lifecycle consists of several stages: reconnaissance, initial compromise, establishing persistence, escalation of privileges, lateral movement, data exfiltration, and maintaining access. In this article, we will explore each stage of the APT lifecycle and discuss the techniques used by threat actors.


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What Are Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs)?

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Unlike traditional cyberattacks, advanced persistent threats are often carried out by well-funded and highly skilled threat actors who use a range of techniques to gain and maintain access to a target’s network and data for an extended period of time. As the number of APT attacks continues to rise, businesses of all sizes need to understand the threat landscape and take steps to protect their networks and data against APTs. 

In this blog post, we will explore APTs, how they work, the potential consequences of a successful APT attack, and best practices for preventing APTs.

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